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Saturday 23 July 2016

Express solidarity with Kashmiris, Hamza Facebook account then close

After that Kashmiri separatist leader expressed that the authority Muzaffar says Facebook has once again Pakistani actor Ben Hamza Ali Abbasi's account three days.
Hamza said in a tweet on the Twitter social networking site that has been banned for a further 3 days, the book will tell us who is a terrorist and who is not.
A few days ago, Facebook Hamza Ali Abbasi banned for some time on their page to Kashmir's separatist authority says the photo was imposed, but later was restored, however, about their authority in Post was to delete the Facebook administration.
Talking to Dawn said Hamza Ali Abbasi, they mzahqh how funny that 'freedom of expression' bearer treat violence victims to speak out in favor of individuals.Read more: Burhan Wani Photo: Hamza Ali Abbasi Facebook Post Deleted
The Indian troops have been killed 50 Kashmiri civilians and hundreds injured in violent demonstrations that had claimed the killing Burhani says in an encounter on July 8, after which the curfew for 15 days in the valley.
It was not the first time that Facebook administration decided to remove the post to Hamza Ali Abbasi, Charlie hybdu attack in Paris before it was removed from the post of Hamza Ali Abbasi.
The Notice also founder Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and then visit the 'accidental' error too.

Indian Air Force plane missing after 24 hours

New Delhi: After 24 hours of missing airliner Indian Air Force (IA-F) could find no trace.
The Indian Defence Minister Manohar parykr will visit Chennai today to review the operation.
That drink was missing yesterday from Chennai Indian Air Force AN-32 aircraft, which was carrying 29 people.
Indian Air Force aircraft took off from the airbase tmbaram near Chennai on July 22 at 8 pm and had to land at Port Blair airbase at 11 pm 20 minutes.
15 minutes after takeoff, officials said the plane lost contact with the control room, the aircraft had an emergency locator beacon, which is activated when there is a plane crash.
Read more: The Indian Air Force plane missing, 29 passengers on board
Officials were employing mostly air force plane.
After the incident, air force, navy and was the start of operation by the Coast Guard.
The Navy and Coast Guard surveillance ayyrkrafts 12 are still missing aircraft in the Bay of Bengal.
Indian Foreign Minister Manohar parykr was urged to make every effort to find the missing plane.
According to the report, more than 100 AN-32 aircraft currently used by the Indian Air Force, the aircraft can fly up to 3 to 4 hours without filling petrol.
According to a retired officer of the Air Force's aircraft are very strong, which are used for supplying the mountains and deserts.

Germany: 9 killed, shot in the shopping center

Berlin: 9 killed and several injured in a shooting attack in a shopping center in the city of Munich.
The Munich police chief hubrts ayndryy Munich Olympia was to attack the 18-year-old Iranian-German shopping center, which committed suicide after the attack.
American news agency Associated Press (of the room used during search and attack the pin) have no evidence that he belonged to the Islamic militant group.
Munich police chief said that had nothing to do with the arrival of German immigrants in the attack.
French news agency AFP said the three victims from Kosovo and Kosovo's Foreign Ministry has confirmed.

According to reports

     Munich shopping center fire

     9 people were killed

     The attacker was a German citizen of Iranian descent

     The attacker was alone, who later committed suicide

     Several wounded are being treated in hospital.

     Police said the attacker has no criminal record in the past

     The dead included three citizens of Kosovo

Earlier, police said that they are looking for 3 colleagues attacker.
However, officials later said the attacker was alone during a news conference, which was shot before firing in a fast food restaurant in the shopping center.
Police Chief hubrts ayndryy 16 people were injured, including children, of which 3 were reported in critical condition.Police were alerted after the attacks in Munich - PHOTO: AFP
About 7 hours after the shooting, the police cleared the shopping center.
The video was posted on social media out while firing from a McDonalds restaurant, dressed in black, while the people were still running.
"An attack on the World video on Twitter account alert and can be seen opening fire on civilians on the roof of the shopping center.
The same Twitter account can be viewed by more shooting at civilians outside attacker shopping center in a video.
That did not know anything about the incident evolutions said German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter astynmyyr a statement.
The responsibility for the incident was not accepted by anyone.
According to preliminary reports, US intelligence officials said on condition of anonymity German police have no evidence from the attack of the militant group Islamic or any other militant group.
The 18-year-old attacker, whose body had been found on the road near the mall shows, identified nor police involved in a case before it.
Also read: Pakistan has been attacking German train, administration
After the incident was a traffic jam on the highway Munich and rescue, police vans and ambulances were dispatched to the scene.
The last time a teenager was injured by knife and ax-war Germany 5 local train, it was claimed that the attack on the refugee a 'young'.
Over the years the increase in terrorist attacks in Europe, last week a man in Nice, France was crushed under a truck involved in the Independence Day celebrations, killing 84 people were."Denounced the attack.
Various heads of state after the incident condemned the shopping center in Munich.
President of Germany risks guak called it 'awesome' and 'attack'.
French President Francois Hollande called it, "he said in a statement, calling the absurd terrorist attack against the '' terrorist attack in the shopping center of Munich funny aimed at spreading fear in Germany followed by other countries.German police special forces engaged in operation - PHOTO: AFP
He also hoped that Germany would resist it and it will be France's friendship and cooperation ".
Obama also raised his voice in favor of his close ally of Germany.
Obama said, "Our hearts are with those who were injured in the incident, we are assured their full support to its close ally, Germany.
On the other hand, said that Austria has added to security on its borders with Germany and announced that the elite Cobra police force.

Pakistan Fethullah Gülen close all institutions of the Golan, Turkey

Islamabad: Turkey has expressed the hope that Pakistan will close all institutions of self-imposed exile cutting operated under Turkish preacher Fethullah Gülen in the United States.Turkish authorities recently declared victory after a failed coup attempt in the Golan hand.Turkish Ambassador Sadiq said Babar while briefing the media on the progress made in Turkey, we have urged all countries to prevent the Golan group activities in their countries.Also read: US Golan would be handed to us, ErdoganHe said that the Turkish government has concrete evidence that the Gülen movement was behind the botched coup.The 21 schools under the control of the Golan in Pakistan, is being run and the Roman Forum Intellectual and Intercultural Dialogue Platform, while they are also partners in the business.Fethullah Gülen and business organizations active in Pakistan for decades.Turkish ambassador said the Turkish government regarding the presence in Pakistan of organizations run the Golan is in contact with the Pakistani authorities and have good relations with Pakistan in every field.Read more: I am against the military coup in Turkey, Fethullah GülenA source has revealed that the government has been considering options for administrative action against Golan affiliated institutions.Sadiq Babar said that the Turkish government is working with the United States to conquer our country would have been provided in this regard to the Golan and seek evidence from the US.US Vice President Joe Biden assured that the US will deal with this issue, he said.Speaking on the reaction of the international community failed coup in Turkey, he said that almost all countries have condemned the beginning was disappointing but the reaction of some countries to be a champion of democracy.Also read: state of emergency for three months in TurkeyThe show made after careful in denouncing the US occupation in the early hours of power and some other countries had failed and was condemned.Turkish ambassador had been increased that expressed regret over the double standards of the Turkish Parliament a period of emergency imposed in the same decision to impose emergency rule France, but he was critical of the move to Turkey.An official at the press conference with Turkish Ambassador claimed that the US Central Investigation Agency (CIA) Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan business jet of President which would reveal the root of the mrmarys Istanbul the risks posed to life.Read more: After the uprising: "Turkey is not a danger averted.He said the Turkish president went on vacation mrmarys, two F-16 jets passed by the Turkish President Erdogan's plane but gave Him up for passengers.When the official was asked about the source of the claim, he said that whoever operates it Stratfor Global Intelligence Group's knowledge.He said the group was released on Twitter the way to the Turkish President Erdogan flight.Made of the changes in Turkish foreign policy envoy that had been before the coup attempt in this regard.Turkish Prime Minister Ali Yildirim has said that his country will only improve the relations with all countries, not just in Russia and Egypt but around the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.Turkish Ambassador said that the neighboring countries will continue the policy of improving relations with that yet, but he has made no decision regarding the stay or remain part of NATO said.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Lt. Col. Peters on Turkey: "If the coup succeeds, Islamists lose and we win."


