Sunday, 8 May 2016

Pakistan's rejection of the US Condition on F-16 fighter jets to buy,

Pakistan has rejected US conditions for the purchase of F-16 fighter jets.should not be.Earlier, the US State Department said last week that Pakistan would use its own resources for the purchase of fighter jets.Last month, the US Congress rejected the proposal of the compensation agreement for the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan, and he did it because of their concerns about Pakistan's nuclear program.Congress had demanded the release of stronger action against the Haqqani network and the Pakistani doctor to help track Osama bin Laden Afridi from Pakistan to Afghanistan.Pakistan and found agreement in October last year for the sale of eight F-16 fighter jets the United States. Since Pakistan was to have been paid under the Foreign Military Assistance Fund were to pay US $ 27 million and the balance US.Is.The Secretary has made it clear that if Pakistan can arrange the money does not consider the purchase of fighter jets from another country according to its needs.In September last year, Pakistan has bought four MiG-17 fighter jets from Russia and expressed the hope that he can find more determined defense agreement between the two countries in the future.

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