Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Internet is making people sick, too?

The more you spend so much time online is increasing the risk of colds, flu or flu.
The claim came in a clinical study in Italy.
Swansea and Milan damages the body's defense system to spend a lot of time on the Internet, according to joint research universities.
The study revealed that those who are at a high risk of flu have spend many, many hours surfing the Internet.
During this study, 18 of 101 people aged 500 years were reviewed.
40 percent of them admitted that there is Internet addiction and researchers in the cold, fever etc. disease was found in 30 percent of the group.
These symptoms are tense after closing Internet sites when the user is affected, he added.
The stress hormones affect the body's immune system causes an increase in kurtysul level.
Researchers say that was over the Internet are enormous reduction of depression, sleep in people who use, but also the isolation of the negative factors that affect health.
Note: This article is for general information. Readers should also consult your doctor know about it.

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