Monday 16 May 2016

The kidnappers were ruthless, cut the meat, removing nails: Shahbaz

Son of slain Pakistan's Punjab province Shahbaz Taseer was kidnapped from Lahore on 26 August 2011 and came almost four years after the release of the eight March 2016.The kidnappers had been persecuted brutally tortured them and bring them to life, but God granted to BBC Urdu Nausheen Abbas an exclusive interview, he said, and he saves them. He also said that he had paid no ransom, and how I arrived home.Question: When you were kidnapped and taken to what they were you tortured?
"They started flogging me in the beginning. In three days they were whipping me more than five hundred. The blades cut my waist. Plass (zmbur) take out the meat from my waist. Then the nails out of my hands and feet. I for one day lyyaur once seven days, buried in the ground. Then for three more days.

He had me hungry. My guards behaved very badly. In the face of the needle thread. He gave me no food for seven days or maybe ten days. I do not remember exactly how many days. I was shot in the leg. I am very lucky that she did not get hurt and my bone.
"Bees causing my mouth to be able to show my family that my face was disfigured. I got malaria, I was not medicine. Let me say that the bank account.
When he shed my flesh was cut from the body so that the blood flowing and the wound was not closed for a week. They were asking me my bank account. They had no mercy. They did not have the heart. I just pray to God for his patience. After that I was so hard to get what you want. Alhamdulillah, my God ended his own suffering.
"He was hurt for film. I was already preparing for that one day they will do tomorrow. What preparations do I tell them how to prepare it. I say that tomorrow will bring your nails. I was up all night praying, voluntary prayer after the obligatory prayer until dawn.
"I think he hit me how much God has kept me in safety, was placed in a shell. And they can not enter the case. His words and his physical actions. "

Question: What was the amount of money for your release?
'no. I ran away from there. I found a man in prison, he helped me, to send me Kuchlak and Kuchlak in contact with my family and then I took the Army and sent to Lahore. I do not have money, but they must have had for ten thousand bucks. "Question: Would you tell us some details about his detention that has taken over so many different places and groups?
I was with a group and it was the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. I only have one group. They have a long Afghan Taliban were not fighting the Uzbek group allegiance. This is because Uzbeks decided that they would go to Iraq because in his view it was the rule and not the Taliban. I was in the hands of the Taliban. But he did not even know who I am. I told them many times that I am not Uzbek. They say that I am Tajik, and I fought with them and it was caught. So throw me in jail. The group was the same before the war between them. Back then it was converted. Which was also the home of the free.
"I went to Lahore, Mir Ali in North Waziristan, which kept me moving every month from Mir Ali. When I was in June 2014 in Mir Ali same azbkyun attacked the Karachi airport. They will know that the first reaction by the government and military, they have moved me Shawwal, which is probably the Datta Khel. I was February 2015. Then I was taken to the Gomal Zabul Afghanistan. They change places. More than a month or two months. I once lived with a family because of strikes and a half years. That did not know who I am and I was stubborn rumor that Taseer died in the attack. But was spared praise God.

Were not just attack, attack jet. I went to see the Taliban Haider Gilani was released from custody and I was telling him that it was very frightening voices from heaven. But they did not understand my words were coming to our brothers do not understand these things. Rarely does it ever strike hours. You can not make any mental preparation, can not learn in school to protect you avoid sense.
I was hit by a drone attack, was killed when I was a senior al-Qaeda commander Abu Yahya al-Libi to the attack. I learned much later. I was in a room with her. When attacked ceiling and the wall fell on me, he came at me. I was down in the rubble, the dough was covered in mud, but my tail and I am coughing. Two Uzbek looked at me and said the corpses were put in a car. It also made me hide from the world. I was so hurt that I could not walk for two months. He told me that Abu Yahya al-Libi was with you, he died when he was in the underground room. I did not even realize that you have survived the attack. He was not trying to say that God has saved you. I was very lucky that I survived two attacks. A jet attack was only a hundred meters away from the falling bombs. I do not know how well I am sitting in front of you. "
"As I said that azbkyun allegiance to the Afghan Taliban. When it was announced the death of Mullah Mohammad Omar has said that they have no legitimacy of the Afghan Taliban. Has declared a caliphate in Syria and Iraq, Abu Amir, al-Khalifa We will have to pledge. This was in conflict. Taliban understand that marriage can only be in Afghanistan and it should Pathan, Pashtun. In addition to accept them both. Azbkyun when he objected to their legal status, he removed them, over the entire group, eliminate the entire leadership. For three days there was only death. I had the opportunity to flee and ran. I am climbing the mountain Taliban seized. Understand that I am Uzbek. They came down and started beating me. I sit with you captive with other Uzbeks. Then the judge sent to a village where they handed down sentences. And was sentenced to two years six months and were sent to an Afghan prison. The Afghan Taliban's me, it helped me. It took some time. Two or three months. This opened the way for me, which I left prison. And whether the motorcycle Kuchlak Afghanistan. It took me eight days. I called the house phone was released on February 29 and March I was eight. I do not know that it is no trick or he did not know that I am and going by their freedom. Was ksmkms.
Q: Who can forget five years in prison, but there is a special event that you will not ever forget.
"It was very intense bombing during the month of Shawwal in one night. Two o'clock began. It was so cold at night. I said get out of here at night. A man had to reach safety to women and children. Women can not take all the children. I was also told that his own escape. If fled themselves will be responsible. Three children were in the house, I ran back to him, a child runs up to two children came with me, she was very scared, she did not get out from under the bed. I went out there and had arrived at a place between two mountains, and women come to me and thanked me for the baby. They knew it could run at my humanity, but it did not give me permission, I'll protect her life and left three children.

Thank God nothing happened, but it may be that I feel like the responsibility that he is dead and I did not do anything. He was brought back to him and handed over to his family that the kidnappers of my family. "Question: First of recovery?
"Admiring the gorge which is true. Nothing Kuchlak eaten in the restaurant. So the army compound, he said some tea, coffee water in the gauge. If possible, do not order from Lahore I am ready to eat admiring the Balochi.How do you see the future? What is the intention?
"After a long time I have reached a point where I could decide their future themselves. So I'm just friends. I'm spending time with family. I live a life of a step.
"When I came here, we were caught in a snowstorm and seemed to die but then I tell myself that at least one step. I am currently taking a similar step in my life. "

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