Monday 16 May 2016

"You have to beat Iraq providing weapons to Libya.

World powers will help Libya to end the arms embargo on Libya, US Secretary of State John Kerry said while speaking in Vienna.
He said that wealth is a threat to the Islamic Libya and it is necessary to stop it.
Libya last month, warned that if not stopped Islamic wealth and will occupy the entire country.
After meeting with world powers could unite Kerry said the Libyan government. This is the only way to ensure that key facilities. The authorities remain in control. "
He further said that is the only way to defeat the Islamic State.
The request to lift the ban on the purchase of weapons from Libya can pass the UN Committee.
However, it seems from the request by Libya have been assured that this request will be approved.
The US President Barack Obama recently acknowledged that not anticipate the situation in Libya to oust Colonel Gaddafi was the worst mistake of his presidency ahdh.
President Obama was talking about measures taken during his tenure in an interview on US TV channel Fox News.

United States and its Western allies launched air strikes on Libya to protect civilians in Libya in 2011.
After the murder of former Gaddafi in Libya Libya has been mired in chaos and civil war between rival factions and was formed two parallel parliament and governments.

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